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Licensed/Insured CFC1427334

Green Plumbing Options Address Both Environment and Budget

We Offer Budget and Eco-Friendly Solutions

In today’s economy, many homeowners are searching for ways to stretch their hard-earned dollars in order to avoid dipping into savings earmarked for their future. One of the most popular ways to lower household expenses is through economical renovations of various rooms in the home. While spending money on new materials at first seems counterproductive to saving money, in actuality, money spent initially on cost-effective products will be replaced by future savings in usage of the same new products.

As a perfect example of this point, with homeowners who choose to renovate their bathrooms, product expenditures are recouped with options such as solar hot water collectors, and higher efficiency toilets that use less water per flush. In addition, greywater systems are becoming a must-have option for many homeowners looking to utilize the dual-pipe technology to recycle wastewater in the home for added uses such as irrigation for landscaping. All of these options are designed to pay for themselves in water bill savings, allowing the homeowner to validate the wisdom of their choices.

Within the same plumbing industry, many homeowners are extending their cost-effective choices to include options for their kitchens as well. Touch-free faucets help eliminate the possibility for water to continuously flow as the result of an incomplete shut-off, which translates into money down the drain. These same faucets are also designed to eliminate contact with the faucet as both a convenience as well as germ avoidance, which can pay for itself in reduced colds and missed days at work and/or school.

The bottom line is that more homeowners are revisiting their out-of-pocket monthly expenses to see where they can save more money. Coincidentally, the plumbing industry is now offering products that are intended to help the same homeowners do just that – save money – which ultimately ends up being a win-win for everyone involved.

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